Aussie Aussie Aussie, Oi Oi Oi

I went to an Australian trip with a couple of my friends (or mates, as the Australians call it, at least some) back in 2012 (specifically from Nov. 24 to Dec. 2).  In the span of 9 days, we covered three different places – first it was Cairns, then Gold Coast, then Melbourne (although for me, I only spent a full day in Melbourne for Stereosonic and at a nightclub called Love Machine and had to take the flight the next morning).  My memory’s a bit rusty from the trip, so I’ll share with you as much as I remember along with some pics.  But definitely one of the best trips of my life, great weather, great food, super fun, GREAT COMPANY, everything was awesome.  Thanks for my friends for organizing and being at the trip. Continue reading Aussie Aussie Aussie, Oi Oi Oi

The Stallery

Random Encounter.  I met Ernie (Ernest Chang) through a mutual friend of ours at Tai Lung Fung.  After an unexpected drunken night, I was impressed by just how ridiculously smart he was and how passionate he is with photography.  So I decided to ask him if he was willing to do an interview with me and thankfully, he agreed.  A recovered drug addict with ADD, it seems that I have much more to learn from him than he has from me.  Through this interview, he has taught me how to appreciate the medium of photography in an in depth manner, an appreciation which is also applicable to life in general.  Ernie considers himself not a photographer, but as an artist in the medium of photography.  Enough with the intro, let’s continue on with the interview. Continue reading The Stallery