A Short Trip to Kaohsiung and Taichung

This trip going to Kaohsiung and Taichung was back in 2013, before I started travel blogging, so I didn’t write many details about the trips.  However, I will share with you my pictures in those places.

What I do remember is that both places were actually quite rural, well not completely rural but definitely didn’t feel urbanized / city like.  Everything there was so cheap!  In order to survive in Taiwan though, you would definitely need to know some mandarin.  But definitely it was a really cheap trip – flight, accommodation, food, transportation, nothing there was expensive.  Maybe I’ll save more money spending my weekends in Kaohsiung instead haha. Continue reading A Short Trip to Kaohsiung and Taichung

Amazing Bali

My first impression of Bali – I’m in a taxi (taksi) and there’s another taxi with no driver blocking our path.  My driver gets out and single handedly pushes the car away.

This is going to be an interesting place.

Within 10 minutes, I knew I was going to come back here – I had a good feeling about this place.  Twice have I ever felt this feeling – once in Las Vegas, then here.  And both times I’ve been extremely mesmerized.

While on the taxi ride to our villa, Bali reminded me of Cambodia a little bit, but a much more developed version of Cambodia.  You can also tell there were tourists left and right.  In fact, there was traffic even at 9:30pm – 10:00pm ish on a Thursday.  Even Hong Kong and Los Angeles doesn’t have this type of traffic at these time intervals.

In a way, it also reminded me of Phuket.  All the villas and stuff… but there were much nicer stores everywhere.  It felt much more urban and international.  You keep coming across Japanese and Chinese restaurants and the roads are very nice and not bumpy at all, very smooth (unlike Johannesburg and Cambodia). Continue reading Amazing Bali